
Haiti Water

Haiti Water

Cross to Light endeavors to drill deep clean water wells at each of the church plants in operation in Haiti. Our Clean Water program includes every aspect involved in equipping the church with a sustainable water system. Our goal is to install a water drainage and collection system, cistern, solar pump and drill a deep clean water well at each church community center.

Clean water in Haiti is vital to reducing disease, improving health and reducing the early death rate that is often due to not being able to get clean drinking water as disease prevention and during illness. Cross to Light has an expert water drilling team that is experienced with the drilling conditions and requirements in Haiti. We include durable sustainable equipment into every aspect of the water solutions that we install to extend the life of the water solution for as long as possible.

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Water Drilling at the Haiti Bible Training Center

Site number one water drilling was a fine mess! It was a huge blessing to see Jimmy and Steve getting dirty doing a fantastic job drilling through rock that was described as something like solid granite. The drilling stopped after reaching 200 feet due to tough rock and time constraints and will resume shortly to complete the 300 foot capacity. Water is believed to have already been obtained but we want to max out the amount of water accessed and [...]

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