
Thank you for your interest in serving at the Cross to Light Bible Training Center in Haiti!

Besides the bible teaching for the students there are a lot of ministry opportunity available.  The teaching schedule is typically from 8am to 1pm with breaks in between. Outings are from 3pm to 7pm. Teams can also schedule in morning events such as;

  1. Haiti Church Support
  2. Tent City Outreach
  3. Children’s Feeding Program
  4. Medical Outreach
  5. Women’s Prison Ministry
  6. Training Center Helps; Cooking, Gardening, Gate Children Bible Studies, Etc.
  7. Jesus Film Outreach
  8. Disabled Children Orphanage assistance
  9. Soccer Outreach
  10. Construction Projects

A Pastor and team of volunteers come over for 7-10 days to teach through one book of the bible. As a select group of Haitian young men are led and discipled through the bible, verse by verse, they are built up in the Lord. The daily schedule includes bible teaching in the morning and various outreach opportunities in the afternoon. Please pray about giving one week for this service. Each week of bible training, evangelism and outreach makes a lasting impact on this special group of young leaders, the Haitians that live in the surrounding areas and your life will be forever changed.  It truly is more blessed to give then to receive – but in so doing you will receive a special experience watching the Lord work.