Handing out clothes.
Bruce Sherbourne recently came out to teach through Job to our students. He brought his sixteen year old son, Landon. We were very blessed to have them both and the students were strengthened by the teaching and outreaches that they did together.
Here’s what Bruce had to say about his time there:
The trip to Haiti was a life changing experience for both Landon and I. The students blessed us so richly with their hunger and thirst for God’s word. I spent twenty hours teaching the book of Job and the Lord worked in all of our hearts as we dug deeply into this book about God’s sovereignty and true faith.
After teaching, we spent time in the tent cities serving the poor and needy. We preached the gospel regularly, fed the hungry, and clothed the naked, but most importantly we allowed Jesus to reveal His love for these precious people through us. One day we brought dresses to the naked little girls and watched with awe as we saw Jesus work His love through us practically by clothing them.
The Lord Jesus led us to one Christian family in a tent city who had four kids and a desperate need for clothing, food and water. The father told our translator that they had not eaten for two days. We were able to cloth his family and we had the father come to the training center and we provided food and water.
The children were so hungry for love and affection and as we visited them in the tent cities they would line up for prayer and anointing with oil. There were so many that at times my arm would begin shaking from fatigue as I prayed for God’s blessing upon these little ones. I learned to switch hands and anoint them with my left hand to avoid the shaking. It was so fun to just walk down the road and lift up the children and pray a prayer dedicating them to the Lord. The presence of God was everywhere and so powerful. For example, my first night I walked with Pastor Brian up to a small shack. Inside were several little Haitian girls. One was about one and dressed in a brilliant yellow dress. They were singing beautifully and the translator walked up behind me and started singing with them but in English. They were singing “Come Holy Spirit.” The presence of God’s purity was so strong that when Pastor Brian asked me to talk to them I was speechless. I just stood in awe of the beauty before me stunned by the Lord’s presence seen in the eyes of these precious little girls. I was able to gain my composure to tell them how much Jesus loved them and then I prayed for them. As I said good by one sweet little girl spoke up and said thank you Jesus. My heart just melted as I looked into her eyes so filled with love.
We saw the most powerful demonstration of our Saviors love at night when we partnered with a missionary team that specializes in presenting the gospel through the Jesus film. After the film Brian or I would preach the gospel and give an invitation to salvation. Each night we witnessed the out pouring of the Holy Spirit and during the four nights hundreds of young and old a like prayed to receive Jesus as their Lord.
Words could never express the joy found in serving the poor and needy in Haiti. We were overwhelmed by the glory of God that was present in our journey. I came to Haiti knowing Jesus and I left having seen Him. As I mentioned Landon and I will never be the same. The verse below was given to me the day before I left. Pastor Brian had also received this verse from a friend just prior to our arrival. It is one thing to read it but quite another to live it.
In Christ love,
Bruce and Landon Sherbourne
Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; when you see the naked, that you cover him, and not hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am’. Isaiah 58:6 – 9
Bruce attends Applegate Christian Fellowship in beautiful Jacksonville, Oregon. He is a father of five, an author and loves sharing with people the good news.