Excerpt from “Haiti Revisited” by Rick and Debby Ogle

We received an email from Cross To Light regarding coming again to teach in Haiti. Rick and I prayed and selected the dates May 3-10. Our family and home church fellowship at Calvary Chapel Ingleside came along side us with prayer and financial support.

Our Pastor David Lamb teaches us to find our ministry and focus on that one thing that the Lord is calling us to do, so we can do our best work for the Lord. This is what Rick and I did regarding the return trip to Haiti. Rick and I prayed; we felt lead to put our focus on the young men Rick would be teaching. We talked about what we remembered from the last time and what they needed.

We brought with us 12 back packs.  The young men walk everywhere.  They need good strong backpacks to carry their supplies.  Each backpack was filled with spiral notebooks, pens, highlighters, shaving cream, razors, protein bars, and lots of prayers. With our clothes and supplies we filled five suitcases.

The thought of going back to Haiti was so exciting because we wanted to see the students we had taught and worked with on our first trip.  Our main focus was to edify the young men and glorify the Lord.

The task of being Jesus hands and feet is truly a blessing.  Rick and I take very seriously the opportunity to work for our Lord. Our purpose is to share the love of Christ and bring more people into the kingdom of God. By being sent to Haiti to train up these young Timothy’s to go on to their churches gives us a legacy that will outlive us.

A few weeks before our trip to Haiti, my husband Rick whisked us away to be by ourselves and focus on what God had in store. This time was very important as it brought us quiet time to reflect on our relationship and time to be in God’s word together. Pastor Chuck Smith said he liked to take his staff and remove them from the normal routine by going into the mountains or someplace remote where they could focus on the Lord. No interruptions of daily life. This is what Rick did for us.  He could tell I was getting stressed with preparations. I am so blessed to have a husband who listens to the Lord and loves me as Christ loves the church.

Cross to Light has offered Rick and I the ability to grow as a couple in service together. Before leaving I sent an email to family and friends asking them to pray.  One of my missionary friends emailed back with wonderful advice;

Just be sure to accept ALL the unexpected…as God’s will for you.

I was so glad she wrote this. I thought I was going to do certain things but God had other plans. Of course His plans were and are perfect.

To read more you can order the book, “Haiti Revisited” by contacting Calvary Chapel Ingleside