20130220-142152.jpgHello everyone!

This is Brandy, from the Haiti Bible Training Center administrative team, and I am here visiting the Haiti Bible Training Center this week – yah!

After landing and getting luggage I got through the newly rebuild airport fairly well. It is so nice.  Much better then the open hanger warehouse that it used to be.  A lot of changes are unfolding here in Haiti.

The weather is amazing. It is hot and humid (all year around) but feels nice.  The Haiti Bible Training Center is situated on a hill overlooking the ocean and has an amazing breeze.

The team and students headed out to a soccer outreach right after the studies wrapped up and lunch was finished. BTW – lunch was amazing! I love the Haiti beans, rice and chicken.

The soccer outreach was fruitful. Kids came and had a blast  playing with the team. Afterwards the kids learned about Samuel and how the Lord had a king to anoint, picked out by God, who’s heart was after Him. God blesses us when we give our hearts desires to Him.  1 Samuel 13:14; 16:7; Acts 13:22