Cross to Light completed the purchase of a much needed transportation vehicle that will help transport large teams and will serve as an outreach vehicle. We had to wait on the Lord to complete this purchase but it is in God’s perfect timing. It holds 30+ people plus their luggage. It is also a perfect vehicle for going out to preach the gospel and distribute relief aid supplies and bibles.

This past Saturday Pastor Brian McDaniel was out with a team on one of the first mission trips with the new truck. Just as the team pulled back into the Bible Training Center (BTC) one of the tires went flat. He wanted to get it fixed before Sunday when all the stores are closed and before an up coming trip. He went out quickly to the tire store. They pulled up minutes before the store was to close. They were able to get the equipment needed to change the tire but when Brian was given the quote for the tire replacement the Lord told Brian to say “no”. He didn’t want to but he obeyed and they left the tire store without the tire replacement. They drove back to the BTC, all the while having to stop periodically to blow up the flat so they could make it back.

Just as they were pulling up at the BTC the Lord brought to Brian’s mind some tires that Calvary Chapel Paris had packed into a container that was on the Missionary Training Center campus. He went over, pulled out the tire and guess what? It was the exact right size that was needed for the truck! The tires were put in there months previous to the purchase of this truck. Praise God He provided in His timing and in His way and that Pastor Brian listened and obeyed even when it didn’t make sense initially.

Listen and Obey

It’s easy to hear the Lord’s voice if you take the time to listen. It’s harder to do what He says to do. We want to know all the details of how everything is going to turn out before we obey. But the bible teaches us to obey in faith first. God tells us to listen and obey. Most of the time we see the blessing from our obedience later. Hebrews 3 teaches about this “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, in the day of trial in the wilderness, where your fathers tested Me, tried Me, and saw My works forty years.” Today, listen and obey. Tomorrow will take care of itself. If you do this you WILL be blessed.