A team from the School of Ministry is visiting the Bible Training Center this week. They flew into Port au Prince, Haiti yesterday and hit the ground running. Shortly after they arrived at the Training Center they were off to the tent cities to share Christ with the people living there.

Rooftop morning devotions at the Haiti Bible Training Center
The Training Center is situated up on a hill overlooking the city and beyond that the ocean. It is a secure facility and ideal because there are five tent cities within walking distance. We have teams that go out weekly to evangelize and distribute aid.
Many of these people are homeless and living in tents due to the 7.0 earthquake that hit in January of last year. Because many of the building structures were not built to code there was mass devastation.
The team from the School of Ministry have already been used by the Lord to share with these people God’s love and the way to heaven and have been impacted. John Chubik is teaching through Nehemiah and the students are loving it. He is adding in a lot of application that the students are soaking up.
Praise God that he has sent in this team and that the Word of God is being taught and is going out and being well received.