

Miragoane, Haiti

Pastor Patrick Jules


Patrick Jules graduated the Haiti Bible Training Center in 2017. He continues to attend pastoral teachings as he is a new pastor who has started a home group in Miragoane, Haiti.

Haiti Church Updates

Cap-Hatien Update

A mission team from Calvary Chapel Yorba Linda recently ventured out to the Cap-Haitien church as part of their week long visit with Cross to Light.  Their goal was to provide a free medical clinic for several days to the people at the church and surrounding area.  The Cap-Haitien church plant is pastored by Leo Azilien, a Cross to Light graduate and Cap-Haitien, Haiti native.  Pastor Leo was thrilled to host this medical outreach event.  Part of the church plant [...]

Mountain Village Church Plant

A new church plant is taking root in the Mountains of Port au Prince, Haiti.  Pastor Lisson, a Cross to Light Haiti Bible Training Center graduate, now teaches his small but growing congregation through the bible weekly.  Through mission teams, the bride of Christ has come in and helped put some structure to this new church by helping to build a church structure with a roof for much needed shade.  The Word of God is being taught to this precious [...]

Trip to Cap-Haitian

Our trip to Cap-Haitian can only be explained as one of providence. From our start at the bus station to the final moments coming into the driveway at Cross to Light and everywhere in between! * we were put on stand-by at the bus station with no guarantee that all 6 of us would be able to travel. It was an all or none attitude. At the last moment before departure, there were only 6 seats available and we were [...]

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