Miragoane, Haiti
Pastor Patrick Jules
Haiti Church Updates
Water for Haiti Delivered Cross to Light delivers trucks of water for Haiti to Onaville. Four previous attempts at drilling for water came up dry. Other organizations have attempted the same with no success. This area is especially dry and barren. Situated just north east of Port au Prince, Haiti's capitol it has little underground aquifers to tap into. Water for the Community As a response to the extreme difficulty to getting water to the community, supporters of Cross [...]
Pastors Family Conference 2020
Port au Prince, Haiti - In August a Pastoral Family Conference was held at Cross to Light hosted by Calvary Chapel Artesia and held at the Haiti Bible Training Center. Speakers included pastor Brian McDaniel and his beautiful wife Sophia, pastors Leo from Cap-Haitian and Lisson from Mome L'Hopital. All of the Haiti pastors and their families were welcomed in to be renewed and refreshed. Pastoral bible training, food and friends were enjoyed. It is good to run the [...]
Haiti Relief Update
Port au Prince, Haiti 49,000 pounds of food has just been successfully delivered to Haiti! Thank you for your prayers and support that have made this possible. For the past year Haiti has been under extreme duress due to political and economic hardship. As a result food and fuel have been scarce and expensive. Most people living in Haiti have found is very hard to get to work and to get food. Cross to Light has been enabled through [...]