Member Updates

Member Updates2019-06-27T17:03:02-04:00

Bullet Proof

June 7th, 2019|Categories: Member Updates|

Artibonite, Haiti

Pastor Jonas

Shares a miraculous story about how a man tried to shoot him with a gun three times and failed.

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Children are a Blessing

May 23rd, 2019|Categories: Member Updates|

Port au Prince, Haiti –

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the […]

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We have the amazing opportunity to help our nearest third world nation neighbor; Haiti. Just 700 miles off the coast of Florida, Haiti provides a short distance mission trip. Many teams come out to visit and help the church plants through Cross to Light that operates the Haiti Bible Training Center in Port au Prince, Haiti – the nations capital.

The church plants in Haiti are faithfully teaching through the bible every week in the various provinces of Haiti. People are learning about biblical principles such as marriage, integrity, honesty, faithfulness, communion and tithing to name a few, often for the first time. The church in Haiti strives to become independent. However, our support of these church plants and community centers are vital to helping them establish and continue their bible teaching and discipleship. Please consider sponsoring a church plant in Haiti. The church plant sponsorship fund help provide for the pastors basic living expense. Any additional church plant sponsorship funds that are collected are applied to critical items in this same category such as pastoral medical emergencies, pastoral housing, church building items such as roof repair and water support projects for the church plant.

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