Good morning,

I have been awake since 3;30 am a good time to seek the creator of all things the God of Abraham Isaac and of Jacob and also our God. There is so much to say about what God has done for me concerning this trip.

Even though I took pictures where ever I went [as if to prove that I had been there, to the place where God became a man and where heaven and earth meet] the places I have seen was not the purpose of this trip. Our team, the Delta force, where knit together like a tight scarf. Let me say that we all needed something from each one, the younger ones where such an encouragement seeing the modern day youth loving their God and serving Him. We all have our unique perception of what God has done. It was so great to see God at work – the orchestration of time and His Spirit with us all. As for me, not one place stands out above the rest. It is the people that we met, and the realization that these people are God’s chosen, the ones that should inherit the kingdom of God the rightful heirs of all his promises to Abraham and how God loved man so much that he grafted the gentiles in to his Messianic promise Acts10.: 9-15 Peter was told to eat the unclean things. This is where my God extended to me the possibility to be  as much a spiritual Jew as the Jew who is born there.

I am purchased at a high price, God came to earth for me, to die for me, that I may live .

I would love to add that the reading of the word and the discussion and application in conjunction to where we where at the time has enriched my walk with the Lord my God. The Lord sowed many seeds and time will tell what my God has for me to God be the glory.

Blessings on all of you, faithfully your sister in Yeshua and awaiting his soon return,
