In Psalm 37:3 it says trust in the Lord and do good dwell in the land and feed on his faithfulness.

We’re with the guys here—some of our students and staff at the Haiti Bible Training Center in Port of Prince. I want to give a short update—a little praise report on how faithful God has been as we’ve been dwelling in the land.

Many of you have probably heard the reports about Haiti. There’s so much chaos with gangs taking over large portions of the city, but God has shown His faithfulness here at the Bible Training Center.

One of our recent testimonies was that somebody had donated to Cross to Light for Bibles. The way this works is we receive donations in the United States. The funds are sent to our Bible supplier, the American Bible Society(ABS), and then ABS notifies the Port au Prince warehouse to prepare Bibles for us to pick up.

So, the donation was received, and our account was credited. However, the director at the Bible Society in Port au Prince said, “Pastor Brian, the Bible Society’s been closed because the area is too dangerous. It’s been taken over by gangs. Then she called me back and said, “If you know somebody that can come and pick the bibles up, that’s willing to take that chance to come, who’s brave enough to come and pick them up, then I’ll have the security guard open the warehouse and give them to you.”

We were excited because Israel is in that area in Cite Soleil. I asked Israel if he could make it to the Bible Society. He called me within 30 minutes and said he was there. They opened the warehouse, and he picked up the Bibles. We have started distributing the Bibles, some of the only Bible distribution in the capital.

God’s Word is true, “dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness.”

The Word of God is going out, and people are getting Bibles. This fits our vision of making disciples and planting churches all over Haiti. We wanted to update you on the praise report. We love you. Continue to pray for us, and I pray God blesses you and your family and causes His face to shine upon you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Bibles for Haiti

Cross to Light helps supply Bibles to the church plants in Haiti. These faithfully teach through the Word of God every week, and Bibles are given to those attending and interested. Our “mobile evangelism unit” goes into the highways and byways preaching the Word of God. Everyone who receives Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour also receives a bible.

We’ve been hand-delivering Bibles in Haiti since 2011. Our initial goal was 1,000,000 Bibles, which the Lord exceeded several years ago. Thank you for your prayers and support in supplying Haiti with Bibles.