There is intermittent wifi access on the Cross to Light campus. iPhone/iPod users can use FaceTime, iMessage or Skype on wifi for free when available. Upon exiting the US, set your device to airplane mode which will deactivate your wifi and then turn it back on upon landing when you want to use it.
You do not need an adapter. Power outages occur frequently. Prepare for no electricity, especially at night. Be sure to pack a flashlight.
While You Are Away
If your family experiences an emergency, please have them contact our office. Our office staff knows how to get in touch with Cross to Light team members in Haiti. No news is good news. Phone calls from Haiti to the US are fairly expensive and can be difficult to place. Our Campus does have intermittent Internet access for email. You will need web-based email account access similar to yahoo.com or gmail.com which both offer free email accounts via the web. Ask your email provider if you already have that capability. There is also an Internet café near the Bible Training Center.