Haiti Containers Successfully Delivered: 6
Next estimated ship date: November, 2013
Next estimated arrival date: November, 2013
[symple_callout fade_in=”false” button_text=”Host a Container” button_url=”http://www.crosstolight.org/haiti/projects/project-request/” button_color=”red” button_size=”medium” button_border_radius=”99px” button_target=”self” button_rel=”none” button_icon_left=”group” button_icon_right=”none”] Help Host a Haiti Container [/symple_callout]
[symple_callout fade_in=”false” button_text=”Adopt a Container” button_url=”https://secure.crosstolight.com/donate/” button_color=”green” button_size=”medium” button_border_radius=”99px” button_target=”self” button_rel=”none” button_icon_left=”building” button_icon_right=”none”]Donate to Support a Container [/symple_callout]
Haiti Container Budget
Transport Budget
West Coast, Long Beach $17,000
East Coast, New Jersey $16,000
Texas, Houston $17,000
Transport Budget Includes;
Sea Worthy, Certified, 40′ x 9’6″ Cube Container
Fork Lift & Pallet Jack for Loading
Freight Shipping
Standard Government Fees
Standard Port Fees
Broker Fees
Container Packing Items
Medical Supplies
Food, Clothing, Shoes
Standard Supply List
Container Conversion Budget
Container Conversion Materials $10,000 per container
Container Project Milestones
Step One
Designate a ground coordinator for the container project. This person typically works with Cross to Light, manages the promotion of the project, helps manage the volunteers and donations and manages the load. Establishing a covered and secure space that can hold up to 31 pallets and provide enough room where volunteers can sort and pack pallets. The most cost effective way to load a container is over a long weekend, Friday to Monday. Typically this is the longest time a shipping company will give without charging an added daily fee. Preparing ahead of time will save money and maximize supplies collected.
Approx. 1911 boxes fit onto 31 pallets that fill a 40′, 9.6′ high container. The key to keeping cost at budget is preparing ahead of time for the load. One way to prepare for the container load is to collect items and palletise them before recieving the container at the load site.
Preparing pallets ahead of time provides several advantages; it gives lots of time to collect and sort donations when volunteers are available. It provides time to find a container at a good price and it helps at load time.
Step Two
Find a container to purchase. It needs to be 40 foot in length and 9’6″ in height. This is also called a 40 foot high cube. The container will need to be sea worthy certified by the container vendor before picking up to take to the load site. The average cost of a container is $2,600 although the price is dependant upon the market and increases/decreases seasonally.
Step Three
Plan for the long weekend load. A team of volunteers will be needed for the load. Equipment such as a pallet jack and a fork lift or two will be needed. The more perperation of the pallets before the load time the better. The trucking company can be negotiated to drop the container off on a Friday morning and pick it back up on Monday morning.
Equipment Needed for Load
- Fork Lift
- Pallet Jack
- Pallets
- Pallet Plastic Wrap
Step Four
Pray for a safe journey and arrival at the Missionary Training Center or church plant in Haiti.